Course Outline
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Unit I: Introduction to Mobile OSes (7 hours)
- Introduction to Mobile OSes:
- Android
- iOS
- Ubuntu Touch
- Blackberry
- Tizen
- Firefox OS
- Symbian
- Windows Phone
- Build and Structures of Mobile OSes
- Introduction to development environment (Native v/s HTML5)
- Introduction to Android
- API levels/versions of Android
- Pros and Cons of Android
- Comparison of Android with other Mobile OSes
- Introduction to Android VM and Runtime (Dalvik and ART)
- Installation and configuration of Android SDKs
- Eclipse IDE – Their integration using ADT Plugin
- Running an emulator
- Using ADB command line interface
Unit II: Java Architecture and OOPS (7 hours)
- Java Classes and Objects
- Class Methods and Instances
- Inheritance and Polymorphism in Java
- Interface and Abstract Class
Unit III: Android Classes and Basics (9 hours)
- Android Fundamentals
- Creating an Android App
- Android Manifests File
- The Activity Class
- Activity Lifecycle
- Extending the activity class
- Creating Default Activity
- Creating Splash and Login Activities
- The Intent Class
- Creating Intent
- Switching between Activities using Intent
- Permissions
- Allow APP permissions in Android Manifest
- The Fragment Class and Its usage
Unit IV: Android User Interface (8 hours)
- Introduction to Multiple Screen Size and Orientation Interfaces
- User Interface Classes
- Android XML Layouts
- Resources and Style
- Android 3rd party UI/UX Libraries
Unit V: Advanced Topics (6 Hours)
- User Notifications
- The Broadcast Receiver class
- Threads
- Async Task and Handlers
- Alarms
- Networking
- Graphics and Animations
- Multi-touch and Gestures
- Multimedia
Unit VII: Packaging and Monetizing (8 hours)
- Data Management (using sqlite database, local storage)
- The Content Provider Class
- The Service Class
- Google Mobile Ads SDK
- Signing and Exporting an APP
- Publishing your app to the Play Store