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User Management

Manage user account in windows

To manage user accounts in Windows, you can use the built-in tools provided by the operating system. Here's a guide on how to do it:

  1. Open User Accounts Settings:

    • Press Windows Key + R to open the Run dialog.
    • Type control userpasswords2 and press Enter.
    • This will open the User Accounts window.
  2. Add a New User Account:

    • In the User Accounts window, click on "Add...".
    • Follow the prompts to create a new user account.
    • You can set the user's name, password, and account type (Standard or Administrator).
  3. Modify an Existing User Account:

    • In the User Accounts window, select the user account you want to modify.
    • Click on "Properties".
    • Here you can change the user's name, password, and account type.
  4. Delete a User Account:

    • In the User Accounts window, select the user account you want to delete.
    • Click on "Delete...".
    • Follow the prompts to confirm the deletion.
  5. Change an Account Type:

    • In the User Accounts window, select the user account whose type you want to change.
    • Click on "Properties".
    • Under the "Group Membership" tab, you can change the account type between Standard and Administrator.
  6. Command Line Management:

    • You can also manage user accounts via the command line using net user commands. For example:
      • net user username password /add to add a new user.
      • net user username /delete to delete a user.
      • net localgroup Administrators username /add to add a user to the Administrators group.
  7. Local Users and Groups (for Professional and Enterprise editions):

    • For more advanced user management, you can use the Local Users and Groups tool.
    • Press Windows Key + R to open the Run dialog.
    • Type lusrmgr.msc and press Enter.
    • This will open the Local Users and Groups management console where you can manage users and groups more extensively.

Manage user account in windows

Managing user accounts in Linux can be done through various command-line tools and configuration files. Here's a basic guide on how to manage user accounts in Linux:

  1. Add a New User:

    • You can add a new user using the adduser or useradd command:
      sudo adduser username
      This command will prompt you to set a password and provide additional information about the user.
  2. Delete a User:

    • To delete a user, you can use the userdel command:
      sudo userdel username
      You can also use the deluser command, which removes the user's home directory and mail spool:
      sudo deluser --remove-home username
  3. Modify User Properties:

    • You can modify user properties using the usermod command. For example, to change a user's primary group:
      sudo usermod -g newgroup username
      To change the username itself, you would need to use the usermod command along with usermod -l newusername oldusername.
  4. Change User Password:

    • You can change a user's password using the passwd command:
      sudo passwd username
      This command will prompt you to enter the new password for the specified user.
  5. View User Information:

    • To view information about a specific user, you can use the id command:
      id username
      This command will display the user's UID (User ID), GID (Group ID), and supplementary groups.
  6. Grant Sudo Privileges:

    • To grant sudo privileges to a user, you can add the user to the sudo or wheel group. This allows them to execute commands with superuser privileges.
      sudo usermod -aG sudo username
      sudo usermod -aG wheel username
      After adding the user to the sudo or wheel group, they will need to log out and log back in for the changes to take effect.